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Dakota Blue Consulting Blog

How do we career plan for jobs that haven’t been designed yet?

How do we career plan for jobs that haven’t been designed yet?

“The times they Are-a-Changin” sang Bob Dylan back in 1964 and he was right. Now they’re changing even faster. So how do we career plan when we don’t know what future jobs and career paths will look like?
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Why does rare disease matter to you and your SME?

Why does rare disease matter to you and your SME?

February 29th is Rare Disease Day. With over 3.5 million people in the UK alone living with a rare disease, the odds are that someone in your business or one of their family are living with one or more of over 6,000 known rare diseases. Without buckets of cash it is easy to think that you and your business can’t make a difference to the many worthy rare disease charities out there that fight for funding every day, BUT YOU CAN. This week we have asked the founder and editor in chief of Rare Revolution Magazine to share with us her top tips on how we, the SME business community can play their part in supporting and the many Rare Disease charities out there that need your help.
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Coronavirus: An employer’s guide

Coronavirus: An employer’s guide

The news that Coronavirus has spread to the UK, with thirteen patients in England testing positive for Covid-19 means that many businesses are beginning to consider how they can mitigate any adverse effect on their workforces. We’ve compiled a list of guidelines.
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Mental Health in the Workplace: Should we do more than just talk?

Mental Health in the Workplace: Should we do more than just talk?

Today is ‘Time to Talk Day’ a day designed to encourage and promote conversation about mental health in the workplace. Our latest blog explains why good workplace mental health goes beyond talking to each other on one particular day and what employers can do to encourage teams to open up and have a conversation about some of the root causes of poor mental health at work.
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What’s wrong with millennials?

What’s wrong with millennials?

‘Millennials’! As an employer, does that word fill you with dread? Have you read all the LinkedIn posts complaining about how difficult it is to employ ‘Generation Y’? Read about how you can create a millennial friendly workplace.
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Professional Development Goals

Professional Development Goals

Hopefully you’ve done your performance reviews and set your team goals for the coming year, but have you set your own professional development goals? This week’s blog focuses on how managers can develop their skills.
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Beat the ‘Blue Monday’ Blues

Beat the ‘Blue Monday’ Blues

The third Monday in January is known as ‘Blue Monday’ and is considered the gloomiest day of the year. Read our blog to find out how to keep your team’s morale high during the winter months.
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New Year, fresh start?

New Year, fresh start?

2020 has arrived with a bang and with it come New Year’s Resolutions. While you may have made the decision to join the gym or embrace a vegan lifestyle for a month, you may also be considering creating some resolutions for your business too. Read our blog about how to make them stick.
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Adverse weather; it's good to be prepared

Adverse weather; it's good to be prepared

Winter is rapidly approaching and with it comes adverse weather. Just as the Scouts motto says “Be Prepared” it’s a good idea to put measures in place to cover every eventuality. Read our latest blog.
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Embracing a growth mindset will always yield results

Embracing a growth mindset will always yield results

If a plant isn’t growing or yielding a harvest the best thing to do is water it, feed it, and move it to a different spot. The same can be said for our employees and their careers. Read our latest blog on the difference between fixed and growth mindsets.
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