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Kickstarting Stress Awareness Month: Strategies for Managing Workplace Stress

April 3, 2024

Stress Awareness Month, observed every April, opens an essential dialogue about stress management, particularly in the workplace. In our modern work environment, characterised by rapid changes, high demands, and constant connectivity, stress has emerged as an increasingly prevalent universal challenge affecting not just individual employees but the overall health of businesses.

In our blog on Stress back in 2018, we highlighted that it was reported by the HSE that depression or anxiety in 2016/17 saw 12.5 million working days lost and there were 526,000 workers suffering from stress during this period.

Perhaps not surprisingly due to the troubling world and economic events over the past 5.5 years, the HSE have updated these statistics showing that the number has significantly increased with now an estimated 875,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety resulting in an estimated 17.1 million working days lost. With such a high prevalence of work-related stress, employers and business owners can ill afford to ignore the potential impact and loss to their business.

But all is not lost! There is lots of research and support available to help you address the causes of work-related stress and with the following strategies for both employers and employees, together we can look to create a more supportive and less stressful work environment.

Understanding Workplace Stress

The origins of workplace stress are as varied as the workforce itself. From the pressure to meet performance targets and cope with overwhelming workloads to navigating interpersonal dynamics and adapting to new technologies, employees today face a multifaceted array of stressors.

The repercussions of unaddressed stress are significant, extending beyond individual distress to impair overall business efficiency, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover rates. Early recognition and proactive management of stress are essential to mitigate these adverse effects and to create a thriving high performing workplace.


Strategies for Employers

Creating a supportive environment that actively mitigates stressors can significantly impact employee well-being and productivity.

  • Promote Open Communication: Ensuring a culture of openness and trust where employees feel valued and heard can dramatically reduce workplace stress. Encourage managers to lead by example, sharing their own strategies for managing stress and actively listening to employees' concerns, especially when it comes to overwhelming workloads.

  • Offer Flexible Working Arrangements: Perhaps one positive of the COVID-19 pandemic is how it has demonstrated the feasibility and benefits of flexible work arrangements. By offering varied options tailored to individual needs, employers can alleviate stress related to rigid schedules and commutes, thus promoting a healthier work-life balance.

  • Encourage Regular Breaks: Advocating for regular breaks throughout the workday can help reset and recharge the mind. Consider creating dedicated relaxation spaces or implementing company-wide short breaks to foster a culture of well-being.

  • Provide Resources for Stress Management: Enhancing your wellness program to include stress management resources, such as access to licensed therapists or mindfulness apps, stress reduction classes, or even virtual reality relaxation experiences, can offer employees practical tools to manage stress effectively.

  • Foster a Supportive Culture: Establishing a culture that prioritises mental health goes beyond offering benefits; it's about creating an environment where seeking help is encouraged and supported. Implementing employee support programs and regular wellness activities can strengthen team bonds and provide additional layers of support.

Strategies for Employees

Employees also have a role in managing their stress and contributing to a positive work environment. The following proactive activities can help in the management of work-related stress:

  • Practice Self-Care: Beyond physical activities, self-care encompasses mental and emotional well-being. Engage in mindfulness or meditation practices, keep a gratitude journal, or explore creative outlets like painting or writing to manage stress.

  • Set Clear Boundaries: In today's digital age, disconnecting from work can be challenging. Be deliberate about setting boundaries, such as designating tech-free times in the evening or creating rituals that mark the end of the workday. Keeping the phone out of rooms in the house designated for rest and relaxation (such as the bedroom) can help with this disconnection from work.

  • Learn to Say No: Developing the skill to decline additional responsibilities when you're already stretched thin is crucial for stress management. Effective communication about your current workload and priorities can help manage expectations and prevent overload.

  • Seek Support When Needed: Building a support network within the workplace can provide a sense of belonging and shared understanding. Reach out to coworkers or join work-related support groups to share experiences and coping strategies.

  • Stay Organised: Adopting organisation methods that work best for you, whether digital apps or traditional planners, can help manage tasks and deadlines more efficiently, reducing the stress of feeling overwhelmed.

As we observe Stress Awareness Month, it's an opportune moment for both employers and employees to reflect on the impact of stress and to embrace strategies aimed at mitigating its effects. By fostering open communication, flexible work environments, and a culture of support and collective responsibility, you can transform your workplace into a space where stress is not just managed but significantly reduced.

What steps will you take this Stress Awareness Month to reduce stress in your workplace? Share your plans and experiences with us on our social media pages and of course if you need some inspiration or support, reach out to us on 01233 627275 or hello@dakotablueconsulting.com and one of our consultants will be happy to help.