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Dakota Blue Consulting Blog

The Ripple Effect:    How Business Owner Self-Care Enhances Business Performance #SelfCareDay

The Ripple Effect: How Business Owner Self-Care Enhances Business Performance #SelfCareDay

It's easy for business owners to prioritise their business' needs over their own well-being, but this habit can lead to burnout and decreased performance. On this #SelfCareDay, learn how taking care of yourself can enhance both your well-being and your company's success.
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The Hidden Costs of Poor HR Management: Why Small Businesses Can't Afford to Ignore HR

The Hidden Costs of Poor HR Management: Why Small Businesses Can't Afford to Ignore HR

Ignoring HR management can lead to significant financial, legal, and productivity losses for small businesses. This blog explores the hidden costs of poor HR practices and highlights how professional HR support can help you avoid these pitfalls and guide your business.
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Part-Time Employment: A Blessing or a Burden?

Part-Time Employment: A Blessing or a Burden?

Considering part-time employment for your business? This blog explores the advantages and disadvantages, offering practical tips to help you decide if it's the right fit for your team.
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Top 5 Tips for Responding to Counter Offers from Employees

Top 5 Tips for Responding to Counter Offers from Employees

Responding to counter offers from employees involves evaluating their reasons for leaving, considering the implications of meeting their demands, and assessing the impact on team dynamics and company policy. Learn how to navigate this complex situation strategically to align with the long-term goals and values of your business.
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2024 Mid-Year Management Mastery: Empowering Teams Through Delegation

2024 Mid-Year Management Mastery: Empowering Teams Through Delegation

Discover how effective delegation can enhance team productivity, boost employee development, and foster leadership skills in the second half of 2024. Learn practical tips and strategies for successful delegation to drive your business growth.
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The Strategic Edge of HR: Celebrating International Human Resources Day with a Commercial Focus

The Strategic Edge of HR: Celebrating International Human Resources Day with a Commercial Focus

This International Human Resources Day, dive into how HR can transcend traditional roles to become a key player in shaping business strategies and driving commercial growth.
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Leading by Example: Prioritising Your Mental Health for Business Success

Leading by Example: Prioritising Your Mental Health for Business Success

Leadership is as much about guiding others as it is about self-care. Explore how prioritising mental health can pave the way for business success and a thriving work culture.
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Stepping into National Walking Month: Keeping Active in Remote and Hybrid Work

Stepping into National Walking Month: Keeping Active in Remote and Hybrid Work

National Walking Month is here, offering the perfect opportunity to reevaluate our activity levels, especially in remote and hybrid work settings. Learn how to make walking an integral part of your day for improved well-being.
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6 Tips on How to Build Resilience in Your Team

6 Tips on How to Build Resilience in Your Team

Learn how to cultivate resilience within your team with these six actionable tips, ensuring your team thrives even in the face of adversity.
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Celebrating Earth Day: Top 7 ways to make your workplace eco-friendly

Celebrating Earth Day: Top 7 ways to make your workplace eco-friendly

Discover how your business can contribute to a sustainable future this Earth Day on 22nd April 2024. Our guide for employers outlines practical steps for fostering eco-friendly workplace practices, from reducing waste to engaging employees in environmental stewardship.
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