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The big lie of mediocrity

Updated March 14, 2016

Dakota Blue HR Consulting_Blog_Kent_The big lie of mediocrity.pngDo you think that HR is just about making sure that you don’t break the law, and having all the right paperwork in order?

You wouldn’t be alone in thinking that. It’s an approach that many business owners take, even in large organisations that have the time and the resources readily available to do things differently.

Here’s the thing though.

If your HR practices are limited to firefighting problems – like dealing with disciplinary issues, or handling poor performing members of staff – then you’re missing out on one of the biggest opportunities that you have as a business leader.

Your people are your lifeline. They can make or break your business, and they can be the difference between just-getting-by, and creating an organisation that is the leader in its industry, and the one that’s known for being the very best.

Too many companies are selling themselves short, and ultimately, these will be the ones that struggle in the ever-changing landscape of modern business.

Being mediocre with your people policies isn’t saving you money, or freeing you up to deal with more important matters – it’s actively holding you back.

Take a second to think about the role of HR in your own business, and what you should be aspiring too.

How could the right leadership allow you to…

  • Double your productivity levels, which in turn could maximise your profits?

  • Attract the very top talent in your industry, allowing you to bring the best innovative solutions to market?

  • Increase the morale and motivation of your workforce, creating an environment that’s a pleasure to be part of?

  • Earn recognition as an exemplary employer, winning you prestige and national press coverage?

Once you step outside the constraints of thinking that HR is just about ticking boxes and fulfilling your obligations, you open up a whole new world of possibility.

Now’s the time to up your game. Will you rise to the challenge?

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