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The January productivity slump

Updated December 19, 2016

DakotaBlueHRConsulting_Blog_Kent_The January productivity slump.pngOver the festive period, spirits are often high in the workplace. Everyone’s working towards shared goals, pulling together to make big things happen, and looking forward to the opportunity to take a little time out with friends and loved ones.

By the time that the New Year comes though, the general mood and feel has often shifted slightly. With nothing but dark days and credit card bills to look forward to, productivity in the workplace can come to a grinding halt.

As a leader it is your responsibility to set an example and lead from the front. Motivated employees should be at the heart of every business. An engaged and driven workforce is more efficient and productive, here are some ways you can do this.

Recognition and say thank you

It’s likely that your staff will have worked longer shifts over the Christmas period. They’ll have dealt with stressful situations and difficult discussions, and it’s understandable if they’re feeling a bit burnt out. Some might even be asking themselves what the point in all of it even was.

Saying thank you is so simple and it’s something that you should be doing regularly, but it’s all too easy to overlook the basics in favour of developing complex strategies. Make sure your staff know that their contribution did not go unnoticed.

You could consider creating an online recognition platform, it is an effective way to drive employee performance. It rewards individual achievement, whilst increasing employee engagement.

Set targets

January can be a time when everyone settles back into their usual routines. The pressure might be lifted slightly, and whilst this can be a positive thing, it can also sometimes encourage complacency. Instead of letting this happen, make sure that you have a plan of action to guide you through the first quarter.

Call a team meeting, invite feedback and opinions, and ensure that everyone is fully up to speed and engaged with your new priorities. This will act as a timely reminder that it’s time to get back to business!

Workplace wellbeing

Generating enthusiasm to be back at work in January can help to both motivate your staff and refocus them. You could hold a team building or social event, perhaps a team lunch to get people together.

With lots of people making New Year resolutions, a popular one is to lose weight. Why not create some supportive schemes to encourage employees with this? Simple things like swapping the unhealthy snacks in the office for healthier ones, can help too.

Lead by example and get your head in the game for 2017

You might be the boss, but that that doesn’t mean that you’re immune to the January blues. You should ensure that you celebrate your successes and take time to reflect on your achievements over the past 12 months, but it’s important that you also look at ways in which you can improve your skills and start the New Year with a bang.

Ask your staff to give you an open and honest assessment of how you’ve performed as a leader, and what you can do to support them better in the future. The best business owners are always considering how they can step up and lead by example.

Make sure you and your employees get off to the right start in 2017, by engaging with your people and setting out clear goals for the year ahead.

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